App Launch Checklist Generator

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  • App Store Optimization

    • Write app description

      Craft an engaging and informative app description

    • Create App Store listing

      Set up your app's page on the App Store

    • Optimize for App Store search

      Research and implement relevant keywords for your app

  • Design

    • Finalize app icon

      Ensure your app icon meets Apple's guidelines

    • Prepare screenshots

      Create compelling screenshots for all supported devices

  • Development

    • Implement analytics

      Set up analytics to track user behavior and app performance

  • Marketing

    • Prepare marketing materials

      Create press kit, promotional images, and videos

    • Set up social media accounts

      Create and populate accounts on relevant social platforms

  • Testing

    • Set up TestFlight

      Prepare your app for beta testing with TestFlight

  • Legal & Compliance

    • Review Apple's guidelines

      Ensure your app complies with all of Apple's App Store policies